Cardamine trifolia
An evergreen creeping perennial with three-lobed dark green leaves which form a mat. The white cress-like flowers are held on 20cm tall reddish stems from March to April.
This plant is a great woodland groundcover which loves a moist, well-drained soil in partial shade.
An evergreen creeping perennial with three-lobed dark green leaves which form a mat. The white cress-like flowers are held on 20cm tall reddish stems from March to April.
This plant is a great woodland groundcover which loves a moist, well-drained soil in partial shade.
An evergreen creeping perennial with three-lobed dark green leaves which form a mat. The white cress-like flowers are held on 20cm tall reddish stems from March to April.
This plant is a great woodland groundcover which loves a moist, well-drained soil in partial shade.