Filipendula vulgaris 'Multiplex'

Currently not available. We propagate all plants ourselves. This variety is on the way.

A basal rosette of finely divided leaves looks attractive at the base of drooping panicles of double creamy white flowers, held on bare stems up to 50cm from May to June. The flowers are often flushed pink in bud.

This plant likes a well-drained soil in sun.

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A basal rosette of finely divided leaves looks attractive at the base of drooping panicles of double creamy white flowers, held on bare stems up to 50cm from May to June. The flowers are often flushed pink in bud.

This plant likes a well-drained soil in sun.

A basal rosette of finely divided leaves looks attractive at the base of drooping panicles of double creamy white flowers, held on bare stems up to 50cm from May to June. The flowers are often flushed pink in bud.

This plant likes a well-drained soil in sun.