Potentilla anserina
Silverweed is a native Irish perennial also known as Briosclán. It is a spreading plant with lovely feathery silver leaves and bright yellow, butter-cup like flowers from May to September. Growing up to only 10cm tall, it spreads outward by underground runners, so give it plenty of space in the garden. Great for a short wildflower meadow or as a groundcover in a sunny part of the garden.
Silverweed likes a well-drained soil in sun.
Silverweed is a native Irish perennial also known as Briosclán. It is a spreading plant with lovely feathery silver leaves and bright yellow, butter-cup like flowers from May to September. Growing up to only 10cm tall, it spreads outward by underground runners, so give it plenty of space in the garden. Great for a short wildflower meadow or as a groundcover in a sunny part of the garden.
Silverweed likes a well-drained soil in sun.
Silverweed is a native Irish perennial also known as Briosclán. It is a spreading plant with lovely feathery silver leaves and bright yellow, butter-cup like flowers from May to September. Growing up to only 10cm tall, it spreads outward by underground runners, so give it plenty of space in the garden. Great for a short wildflower meadow or as a groundcover in a sunny part of the garden.
Silverweed likes a well-drained soil in sun.