Astilbe 'Inshriach Pink'


A small, clump-forming perennial with dark green, glossy leaves with bronze tinges. Pale purplish pink flowers are held in airy plumes on dark red stems up to 35cm tall from July to August.

Astilbes like a moist, humus-rich soil in sun or partial shade.

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A small, clump-forming perennial with dark green, glossy leaves with bronze tinges. Pale purplish pink flowers are held in airy plumes on dark red stems up to 35cm tall from July to August.

Astilbes like a moist, humus-rich soil in sun or partial shade.

A small, clump-forming perennial with dark green, glossy leaves with bronze tinges. Pale purplish pink flowers are held in airy plumes on dark red stems up to 35cm tall from July to August.

Astilbes like a moist, humus-rich soil in sun or partial shade.