Cephalaria gigantea
A large perennial with branching stems up to 200cm tall, with domed flowerheads of primrose-yellow flowers which are loved by bees and other pollinating insects. The flowers can be seen from June to August. It is well worth the space it takes up in the garden.
This giant scabious likes a well-drained soil in sun.
A large perennial with branching stems up to 200cm tall, with domed flowerheads of primrose-yellow flowers which are loved by bees and other pollinating insects. The flowers can be seen from June to August. It is well worth the space it takes up in the garden.
This giant scabious likes a well-drained soil in sun.
A large perennial with branching stems up to 200cm tall, with domed flowerheads of primrose-yellow flowers which are loved by bees and other pollinating insects. The flowers can be seen from June to August. It is well worth the space it takes up in the garden.
This giant scabious likes a well-drained soil in sun.